How to - Create a new account if you want use this course

  1. Click on the 'Get Started' image on the front page.
  2. Click the 'Create new account' button (Or log in if you already have an account).
  3. Fill in your details including a valid email address.
  4. Enter the reCAPTCHA text. If you cannot read what the writing says click 'Get another CAPTCHA' until you can read it.
  5. Click 'Create account' button at the bottom of the page and you will be told that a confirmation email will be sent to your email.
  6. Log in to your email account, find the confirmation email and click the link confirming your LaundryStop account.
  7. You will then be taken to the LaundryStop site and enrol in the course.
  8. Follow the enrolment steps until you are in the Introduction course and you are ready to begin!
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 November 2020, 9:09 AM